15 Bucket List Ideas for Women Who Want To Embrace Life Over 40

What is a Bucket List? 

So that we are all on the same page, what exactly is a bucket list? 

As defined by Merriam-Webster, a bucket list is a list of things that one has not done before but wants to do before dying.  Ummm yeah, as in “kick the bucket!” Oh my…

So I think we are clear on this now…

Why is a Bucket List so important? 

Bucket lists can be a great way to take stock of things you’ve always wanted to do and to make sure you have the fulfilling life you’ve always dreamed about. Your 40s, 50s, 60s, and the decades beyond can be a wonderful time to conquer your own bucket list since most women tend to have more time and know exactly what they want to accomplish!  

These decades are usually the time when one’s career is thriving or you’re transitioning to retirement and have grown children who’ve left the nest. People, especially women, can finally do the things they’ve only dreamed of doing but haven’t had time for until now.

Bucket List Ideas

A great book that I has inspired me in creating my bucket list building is “The Big Bucket List Book: 133 Experiences of a Lifetime” by Gin Sander 

If you’ve yet to create your own bucket list, let us give you a hand by sharing 15 inspired ideas that you can use.

Check it out!

#1. Take a Foreign Trip 

If you’ve always wanted to travel abroad but didn’t have the time or money for it, seize the day and take that foreign trip you’ve been dreaming of. 

By now, you might have saved up enough to go on your dream trip and you are healthy enough to travel so don’t wait around. Book that trip and make it happen!

Some trip ideas are going on an African safari, visiting Niagara Falls, seeing the Northern Lights, visiting Stonehenge, and other top global destinations.

#2. Travel First-Class 

Never traveled first-class? Let’s remedy that. 

While booking your international trip, go all out and book a first-class plane ticket. It may be a splurge, but you’ll get a taste of the better life and see for yourself what the hype is all about.

#3. Have You Seen All 50 States? In an RV? 

This is a J2 bonus as this is on my personal bucket list. To travel to all 50 states in the US in an RV. Yup!

I looked at map and figured where I haven’t traveled in the US. Then I came up with a list of places in each state that I would like to see.

I also added in places that I wanted to see even I have been to the state. 

Ok your turn to do this!

#4. Start Your Own Business 

If you’ve always wanted to start a business, your 40s and the decades that follow is the time to do it. You have the money, time, and skills to test the waters and find a niche to be successful in. 

It can be as simple as starting a blog on your favorite topics and monetizing it. You can also launch a consulting business based on your expertise. You can focus on marketing, content writing, fitness coaching — anything that interests you and that you’re good at.

#5. Change Careers 

Changing careers was unheard of in earlier decades. However, the era of cradle to grave jobs is over. These days, people can transition to new industries and new roles with training and internships.

It may not be the easiest thing to do but working in a field that you’re passionate about is something that everyone should experience. Even if you don’t turn out to be a wunderkind in your new career, just giving it a try can banish a lifetime of “what ifs.”

#6. Conquer Your Fitness Goals

Have you been putting your own health and fitness goals aside for the sake of your family, job, and other responsibilities? If so, it isn’t too late to start a fitness routine that you enjoy. 

If you need guidance or would like to do your routine with others, sign up for a gym membership or enroll in a fitness class. Remember, fitness doesn't just mean using the treadmill or lifting weights. You can also do yoga, Zumba, and other forms of exercise. If you love running, train until you can complete a marathon. If you also like cycling and swimming, why not think about joining a triathlon?

#7. Pick Up a New Hobby

Is there a hobby that you’ve always wanted to try but never got around to? Today’s the day. Enroll in a class, read blogs, and watch YouTube videos to learn more about your interest. Think of all the interests that have always captured your fancy. 

It could be painting, learning a new language, calligraphy, crochet, knitting, mixing cocktails, cooking, baking, and so on. You’ll undoubtedly learn new skills and make your daily life more interesting!

#8. Dine at a Michelin-star Restaurant

Who said you always need to dine at the same old boring restaurant? 

Get a reservation at a 3-star Michelin restaurant and enjoy fine world-class cuisine. While it will surely be expensive, this isn’t something you do every day. 

#9. Research Your Family History 

Many websites like ancestry.com can help you research your family tree and learn more about your history. Getting to know your ancestors and relatives will help you appreciate them and yourself even more, especially when you see how many families and people it took for you to be born.

#10. Change Your Wardrobe

Your 20s and 30s were probably times when you shopped for clothes on a budget. Now that you’re older, treat yourself to the clothes you’ve always wanted. It will definitely ring up a hefty bill, but if you shop well, you can use your new clothes for many years. They also make aging as a woman more fun.

If you’re feeling a little unsure about your wardrobe upgrade, hire a stylist to help you out. You can also use the opportunity to experiment with new styles and looks! 

#11. Join a Book Club 

This one is for the literature enthusiasts out there. If you’ve been meaning to read a little more, pick up a book and read away. 

You can also join a book club to enjoy fellowship with like-minded individuals. Joining a book club is a great way to discover books that you wouldn’t have considered reading otherwise.

#12. Get Lash Extensions 

Pro tip: Nothing makes you look younger than eyelashes.  Think about it, who has LONG lashes?  Young women…

This bucket list item may seem small and insignificant but it’s fun! Even if you’ve never paid much attention to your appearance, you can don them at least once just to see what all the fuss is about. Once you have them on, attend a party or wear them to your next get-together.  Oh yes, it is like wearing mascara 24/7.  Love them!

#13. Ride in a Hot Air Balloon 

If you love looking out of a plane window, wait until you see the view from a hot air balloon! A hot air balloon ride is an easy adventure that you can go on with friends and family. It’s an inexpensive, accessible bucket list item that’s easy to enjoy. 

#14. Buy That Big-ticket Thing You Always Wanted 

Your 40s and beyond are a time when you have enough money to splurge and live a little. Why not see if you can afford that dream house, sports car, or expensive jewelry you’ve always adored?

#15. Support a Cause

Embracing aging gracefully can also mean finding a cause that is greater than yourself. You can provide financial support, get involved by volunteering, run a fundraiser, launch a petition, and more. Anyone at any age can make a difference. Supporting a cause may just be one of the most rewarding and enriching items on your bucket list.

Don’t Kick the Bucket Without a Bucket List

Whatever your interests, passions, and inclinations, the best bucket lists are those that have personal significance. Choose carefully and don’t be limited by these ideas. Make your bucket list your own.

Do you have great bucket list ideas you’d like to share? We’d love to hear how your bucket is going, please share on  INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK  

Categories: : Living Your Dream

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